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About this site.

This site is developed and maintained by David J. Schmutz. You can find out more about me by visiting the public David J Schmutz  page.

The site has a public and a private mode. Anyone can access certain content as a public visitor. To access private content you must have an account. The private content is meant for immediate and extended family members. If you want to establish an account please contact support by email  to request a user name and password. User names are assigned by me. Once logged in to the site, you can change your user name, password, email and other personal information by clicking the settings link that will appear at the top of most pages. Your email will only be used to notify you about site news and updates. Please keep your email address current.

Your use of this site is at your own risk. I cannot be liable for any damages or breach of privacy. The only information I keep for private users is a user/login name and password, the user's name and preferred name and optionally an email address and option to receive notifications by email. If you feel that there is content that should not be here or is in the wrong part of the site, please let me know. Likewise, if there is content you would like to have added - let me know. You can visit the Change Log  to read about site updates.

© 2023 David J. Schmutz, All rights reserved.   Contact Support