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Family Search

What's New

  • Metadata edit in galleries
  • File download in galleries
  • Images,documents,audio and video in galleries
  • New home page format
  • Editing of user account data
  • Bio section of home page
  • SSL certificate added for site security
See Change Log

New Photos

John and Amlelia Coast Survey
John and Amlelia Coast Survey

Welcome to the schmutzweb site.

Here you will find a mixture of pictures, stories and information about our family (Dave and Debbie Schmutz). This site contains some of our family collection along with things passed on to us from our relatives. The site is primarily for the benefit of our immediate and extended families but also anyone else who might be interested.

You are not logged in, so private content is not available. Please log in if you have an account.

If you would like to be added to the user list, send me a request via the contact support link.

Use the Site Map in the menu bar to navigate to top level site pages.

Use the links in home pages to navigate to related pages.

Here are some links to the public pages of the site.

© 2023 David J. Schmutz, All rights reserved.   Contact Support